
Sunday, December 13, 2020

SLJ Week 1 Activity 1

 LI: To collect materials needed to successfully complete our weekly superpower building missions with Nano Girl.

This morning LS2 worked in groups with our Year 4 students to help them create their first Summer Learning Journey blog posts. PBS are still at school this week so finding some of the materials we needed for our treasure hunt was easy. Our challenge is going to be able to find all the materials we need at home now. This activity was interesting and very fun, for this activity we were able to improvise and use our heads to find some objects that were needed around the classroom. Me and Fau created a screencastify video explaining what we found and what Nano Girl explained in the video we have watched.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Aliyan K
    Great job finding the materials for your experiment. What material do you think was the hardest to find?

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    2. Thanks Emmanuel for your comment the hardest material to find was a string so instead we used a shoe lase.

  3. Hi Aliyan K
    I liked your blog post. What is your favorite material that you got.

  4. Kia ora Aliyan,

    What a great slide you and your group have created - ka pai!

    I really liked how you created a voice over to explain your findings, as well as text.

    I’m so glad you had fun with this activity! What has been your favourite to do so far?

    I have loved looking at the code activity and trying to crack different bloggers codes.

    I look forward to seeing more of your posts!



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